Hosted Buyer Programme

This exclusive programme is open to qualified buyers who have purchase needs in China’s pharma industry.
Each application will be reviewed before being accepted as a Hosted Buyer.
Check Personalised Package

How it Works for a Buyer

  • 1
    Submit your purchasing requests and
    choose at least 3 suppliers to meet
  • 2
    Customer service will review the
    requests and reply within 3 working
    days for further details
  • 3
    Meeting schedules will be arranged for you
    and supplier within 15 working days
  • 4
    Join the video meetings online and grow
    your business with potential partners

How it Works for a Supplier

  • 1
    Update and complete your company
    and products profile online
  • 2
    Customer service will send buyer's basice profile
    and purchasing order to you and check if buyer
    can match with your products and requests.
  • 3
    Meeting schedules will be arranged for you
    and buyer within 15 working days
  • 4
    Join the video meetings online and grow
    your business with potential partners

Hear what buyers said:

Hear what buyers said:

  • “I think it’s a good
    event to meet
    different suppliers
    at the same time
    and get a chance
    to face to face
  • “valuable
    opportunity to have
    an online video
    conference with
    many potential
    partners towards
    future. Thanks
    again for your nice
    K.K. Jupiter
  • “Good experience!
    We will surely
    consider to join the
    event again with
    our purchasing
    requests in
    CROM S.P.A
  • “Thank you! As
    we are planning
    to expend
    our partner in
    China, we really
    appreciate this
Int’l buyers are satisfied with the
suppliers that precisely matched
Int’l buyers have continued the
business relationship after the
video meeting

Matchmaking service

We asked attendees and exhibitors who used
our matchmakings service the following post
show questions and here are the results of
that survey:
What is the likelihood
that you will partner with
the matched buyer(s) in
the next six months?
average resul
What is the likelihood you
will keep in contact with
the matched buyer(s)
within the next six months
following the first meeting?
average resul
Check Personalised Package
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