EZSourcing > Sourcing Request > Iron, isotope of mass57

Iron, isotope of mass57

Categories: Active Pharmaceutical Ingredients>Antibiotics
Expected Quantity: 100
Valid To: 1970-01-01
Delivery To: Slovenia
Date Posted: 1970-01-01
The sourcing request is closed now.
Request Details
Quantity: 600 mgQuality Standards: The iron 57Fe enrichment can be lower than 95 atomic % (as e.g. in the range of 80 atomic % or 90 atomic %).Packing: not importantPlace of Origin: not importantPurity: Purity level should be 99 % or more (better 99.5 % or higher)Standard: noDetailed Description: We are interested in the amount of 500 mg or 600 mg of 95 atomic % enriched iron sample (metal form). If you provide lower enrichment (let say 80 atomic %) then the amount we want is correspondingly larger (700 mg for the case of 80 atomic % 57Fe sample).Do you provide 57Fe metal powder or maybe foil?Metal powder is prefered form.Kind Regards,Joze Moskon
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