Experimental Biology 2014

Time:April 26-29, 2014

Country&Region: United States

Venue:San Diego Convention Center,San Diego, CA

Organizer:American Association of Anatomists

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Experimental Biology 2014 is on track to be one of the largest to date! Scientists and researchers in the fields of: anatomy, physiology, biochemistry, pathology, nutrition, and pharmacology will meet in San Diego to discuss the strides and contributions made to the field of science. The 2014 meeting will feature over 400 booths, plenary award lectures, pre-meeting workshops, oral and poster presentations, and on-site career services.

This multidisciplinary, scientific meeting features plenary and award lectures, pre-meeting workshops, oral and posters sessions, on-site career services and exhibits of an array of equipment, supplies and publications required for research labs and experimental study.

Experimental Biology is an annual meeting comprised of over 14,000 scientists and exhibitors representing six sponsoring societies and multiple guest societies.

General fields of study include anatomy, physiology, pathology, biochemistry, nutrition, and pharmacology.  EB 2014 is open to all members of the sponsoring and guest societies and nonmembers with interest in research and life sciences. The majority of scientists represent university and academic institutions as well as government agencies, non-profit organizations and private corporations.

Contact:Marcella Jackson




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